Preceeding Projects
Project title:
iVi-Pro - An interactive Video editing tools for network-based knowledge transfer.
October 2008 – September 2010
Project description:
As the usage behavior of media is changing, the demand of interactive video is dramatically increasing. In this context, interactive videos are to be understood as enrichment of existing video files with interactive elements.
iVi-Pro enables the user to directly interact with videos, i.e. by both constructing and manipulating content in order to influence the future succession of video scenes, to enrich the video with own knowledge or to call up context-sensitive additional information.
A goal for the project is to develop a usable, easy to learn and flexibly extensible tool to produce interactive videos. Unlike existing tools for video editing, laymen are to be addressed as a target group as well. In order to ensure the future sustainability of the application, we use a markup language to encode the produced interactive videos in different formats (e.g. Adobe Flash).

Project title:
iVi-Pro 2.0 – Interactive video in the era of mobility and collaboration.
October 2010 – September 2012
During the previous project ``iVi-Pro´´ from 2008 to 2010 the ``Siva Suite´´ software was developed as a framework for the production and provision of interactive videos. The succeeding project ``iVi-Pro 2.0- Interactive video in the era of mobility and collaboration´´, not only will enlarge upon the results of the preceeding project “iVi-Pro”, but also will explore new possible:
- Intensifying network activy: Network activity will be intensified by offering special workshops and training sessions. Besides media competence, this also requires participants to be connected.
- Improving performance: For player components, buffering strategies need to be designed and implemented so that videos can scale with high traffic and still be played smoothly.
- Improving usability: The improvement of usability shouldmake the tools easier to learn and ensure their long-term acceptance.
- Collaboration as a new feature: Collaboration indicates the joint editing and development of a video, which offers interesting opportunities particularly for learning groups in e-learning, but also in a tourism scenario.
- "Mobility" as a new field of application: The transfer of the application from web context to mobile devices may increase he potential range of customers for companies. The objective is the development of mobile scenarios as well as the realization of players for selected mobile devices (e.g. Apple iPhone, Android devices).

Project title:
Mobile multimedia assistance systems for technical applications in SMEs
October 2012 – Juni 2014
Project description:
The goal of this project is to establish mobile multimedia support systems for technical applications in SMEs. Smartphones and tablets have the advantage of enabling the user to work anytime and anywhere inside the company. Advanced user interfaces allow for swift application of the learned content. With mobile devices, it is possible to have instructions in from of videos directly to the installation site. Thus, training can take place directly at each respective device. In this project we will focus initially on locally typical scenarios, such as the heating and plumbing sector and IT sector.
This project creates a multimedia application. Complicated issues can be explained briefly and simply, by means of visual displays and video examples, compared to traditional text-based assistance systems. Action orientation and practical relevance can be easily realized by the on-site application and presentation of real problems. The application is developed in a close cooperation between the partners (university and university of applied science) and the participating SMEs. The project provides a comprehensive knowledge transfer to local SMEs by conducting courses for adaptation and customization of the project applications, as well as training in content creation:
- Sort for the modeling and development of support systems
- Content generation
- Consoluting the application of multimedia support systems
- Training / Courses in creation of mobile applications, of application components and content
This project creates two networks: A user network finds practical sppllication scenarios for the systemand can identify residual potential due to the impressions gained in routine business operations. The developer netweork extends the application and adapts it individually for SMEs.
Prof. Dr. Harald Kosch | |
Dr. Britta Meixner |